Wednesday, March 14, 2018

On Your Ninth Birthday

Unconditional Love. You'll never fully understand it, until you finally have your first child in your arms. On that very moment you'll understand how it feels to love someone more than yourself with a completely unreserved love that expects nothing in return. The same thing applies to understand the depths of incredibly devastating pain. If you've ever lost a child.

For the few that lived through this, you know how it is to be standing at the edge of end of life. At the chasm of death, stretching your arms, trying to rescue, trying to save, trying to change the course of the terrible reality, knowing very well, that it is beyond our control. I know parents that are still frozen in that moment in space, teetering there, perching in that point in time; unable to do anything else from this overwhelming pain, with so many unanswered questions, still trying to make sense of what happened.