Monday, June 9, 2014

Our miracle twin babies

(My two little giraffes. 7 days old)
This picture was taken when my babies were only one week old. So much joy they have given us already in these few days.

During Jess long stay at the hospital I’ve come across with so many amazing stories of other parents sharing their joyful story of their miracle babies. Some giving us reassurance, others asking for support and a word of encouragement. I listened to their fears and worries. And more important, I prayed for them daily. Some babies did make it to the gestational age that they could go to the NICU and survived. But sadly others parents experienced the same loss that we did with our triplets, and my heart broke for them every time I heard about them.

Hence, going through this experience showed me (once more) how complex and fragile new life can be. On this post I want to summarize all the medical challenges that my two miracle boys overcame to finally be in our arms. This should help many others when they go through similar situations, to give them hope and faith that He can do miracles for them too.