Tuesday, February 19, 2013


An amazing video worth to include in my blog.

In the video the following words resonate with me: "Thinking about the first smile, the first school day, the first dance, the prom, the wedding.... the grandchild... it's all gone. This is it... We need to make it bold and beautiful!. We are a family, and no one can take that away from us... never." Referring to their child no longer in their arms, but still in their hearts.

When thinking about our triplets. We are blessed by their existence, and we are grateful for the miracle God sent us into our arms with Jace. And with the reality that our triplets are not in our arms, makes us appreciate much more, to have our son in our arms. The fact that our son was born, will never replace our pain for the loss of the triplets. But every new experience with him is so beautiful to us. Giving us a different kind of comfort; and peace; and yes: "beauty".

Just take a look at him. You'll see it there...

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